JUN 15, 2023

There are times I must wonder… This is a common phenomenon in the Kingdom of Wonder. Especially while sitting on a beached dock in a DREAMY ISLAND with only the rhythmic sound of waves to sooth my silent contemplations.

Under the tropical sun, I am drawn to floating ideas of helping others, like for example, how can we REDUCE SUFFERING? Our company is a conduit of poverty reduction for many of our sellers, their families, communities, and charities. In this way, I am doing my part.

In the meanwhile, the wealthy seem to flaunt in-your-face, ostentatious displays of super cars, private jets, and mega mansions. Do you want that? Would our life be more fulfilling if surrounded by this degree of luxury? To deny the benefits of living a life beyond measure is the feeble recourse of limited dreamers – that’s me being nice to BILLIONAIRES.

But for those who do dream, how can we welcome ABUNDANCE? What does that look like for you? And what about the people that do not seem to be able to help themselves? Is focusing on yourself, selfish or empowering? Are we only able to help ourselves before helping others? Isn’t there always going to be people with more or less than us, so why dwell in endless futile comparisons? Returning to LIVING OFF THE LAND isn’t much of an option for most, and so we are pulled into the idealized standard of abundance of wanting a home and vehicle, surrounded by friends and family.

While back at MOTHER EARTH ISLAND, we focus on improving our mind and body to reduce internalized suffering through health and wellbeing. There is no peace in life by tackling politics of pity or envy, which both bring you into the shadow. LIGHT AND LOVE is the more virtuous path to follow. Like those proverbial footprints in the sand that lead us to the ocean. A balance in pursuing happiness through enjoying the simple things, with a sense of pragmatic wealth accumulation as a goal sounds fair. SEIZING THE DAY, taking an opportunity to better yourself in something you love, is a win-win, and I am so passionate about our ethical e-commerce website. The bridge to living comfortably is all within us.

Lastly, I have grown to enjoy surrounding myself with things that make me smile, feel beautiful, taste great, are healthy and ethical, and sometimes JUST FUN SOUVENIRS TO BUY. These are the Cambodian presents for sale that I am sharing on this site. We should not feel guilty for buying something we like and know will improve the QUALITY OF OUR LIFE. You are still a good person if you choose loving yourself over trying to solve external puzzles. Solving the internal puzzle of how to love yourself, is a simple secret to longevity and contentment. Help those who are less fortunate when you feel like you can and continue to flow with the ETERNAL WAVES of influence that wash onshore.