MOTHER EARTH ISLAND loves all animals and plants. By understanding that any form of animal cruelty is wrong, we will not promote the sale of animal products. All species are sentient. There is no need to contribute to any form of animal cruelty.

Our strong value for the wellbeing of animals and humanity includes assuring we supply products with health benefits, that are more natural options. We cannot eclipse some by-products of animals that we feel are essential for health. Honeybees and Swiftlet Bird Nest products are exempted as wonderful. The raising of honeybees and swiftlets has brought many Southeast Asian farmers out of poverty. We have faith the relationship between human and non-human will improve. We also inspect the facilities of our suppliers to ensure our birds and bees are treated well. Recommendations are also given.

Our beneficiaries and our product suppliers are individual artisans, local farmers, social enterprises, women’s groups, and indigenous communities. We welcome local products that are ethically sourced and animal cruelty-free.